Call for Abstracts

31 July 2012: deadline for registration and abstract submission.

Abstract can be submitted with registration only. Abstracts will be published in the journal Activitas Nervosa Superior Rediviva, which is the official journal of CIANS.


The submission programme will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements. The size of the abstract is limited to 250 words, 1 700 characters.


Begin the title with a capital letter. The title should clearly define the topic.


Type full the first name and last name of all authors omitting any titles and degrees.


Type the name of the Institution, Department, City and Country.

Body of the abstract

State the objective of the study, describe the material and methods, summarize the results presenting sufficient details to support the conclusions reached (it is not acceptable to state: "The results will be discussed"). Plain Text Only: The database does not accept equations, symbols, images, text formatting, etc.


The size of the poster should not exceed 100 cm (height) and 80 cm (width).

Abstract online submission

Abstract can be submited after registration only.

For abstract on-line submission click to button below.